What To Look For In Vacation Rental Insurance In South Lake Tahoe

by | Sep 2, 2020 | Insurance providers

You probably already know that having insurance for your home is necessary and can provide you with several levels of protection. But did you know that it’s just as important to get coverage for your vacation home? Getting insurance for a second home, especially if you plan on renting it out, can provide you with several benefits and usually requires a policy a bit different than your regular homeowner’s insurance. When you need vacation rental insurance in South Lake Tahoe, here’s what to look for.

Make sure your vacation rental insurance in South Lake Tahoe covers your basic needs. In this sense, second home insurance should be similar to your everyday homeowner’s insurance. Coverage for weather damage, fire, wind, etc. should be part of your policy. You will also want your coverage to include a safety net in case your vacation property becomes victim to crime, something that is much more likely to happen to a place that is unoccupied for long stretches of time.

Liability coverage is another necessary component of good vacation home insurance. Because the home may not always be occupied, some problems, such as a house fire, that may cause damage to nearby structures or people can get out of control quickly and leave neighbors or passersby without much help. Consequently, it isn’t uncommon for owners of vacation properties to be sued for damages. Should an unfortunate event such as this occur, you will want the protection liability coverage provides so you don’t have to pay for both repairs and legal action out of pocket.

Of course, a policy for vacation rental insurance in South Lake Tahoe needs a renter’s clause. Having renters in your vacation property is both a benefit and an added risk. On the one hand, the more you rent out the home, the less time it spends unoccupied and the lower your premiums can be. On the other hand, you will need more liability coverage in case a renter experiences a problem or has an accident while on your property. Talk with your insurance agent about your specific situation, including how often you plan on renting out the place, in order to get the best policy for your needs.

As you shop around for vacation rental insurance in South Lake Tahoe, be sure the policy you choose includes standard homeowner’s insurance, general liability, and renter’s liability so that you have the coverage you need to be safe and secure.

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