Producing a Glass Mosaic Tile Masterpiece

by | Oct 20, 2020 | Business

The ancient Greeks were producing mosaic art as early as the 4th century BC, but it did not use glass mosaic tile, but the effect in its day was the same, a thing of beauty. Mosaics are still done using traditional materials which can be glazed ceramic tiles, stone, and glass, shell and mirror shards. Although they are beautiful and each one is a work of art, nothing beats the intrinsic beauty of glass mosaic tile.

Glass is made using traditional methods and using all virgin material, recycled glass pieces or a combination of the two. In the simplest of terms, the manufacture of glass mosaic tile is a process where the desired color of molten glass is poured on a steel toped table and the individual glass tiles are cut with what amounts to a cookie cutter. The creation of a work of art is a combination of colors and textures, all of which are unique.

Glass mosaic tile can be used anywhere, indoors or out, hot or cold, wet or dry. Swimming pools are edged to the water line with glass mosaic tile as an indicator of when to top up the pool; many pools have decorative inlays in the bottom of the pool, perhaps the initials of the owner or his favorite design. Fountains and water slides are often surfaced with glass mosaic tile due to its ability to resist scratching. Spa surfaces and spa seating is a favorite use.

Indoors, glass mosaic tile is used in any room in the house. In the kitchen the backsplash is an ideal place for the installation of glass mosaic tile, in the bath the entire shower area and the bathroom floor are natural candidates for the beauty and durability of glass mosaic tile.

The tiles are available in a host of stock colors from the manufacturer; some manufacturers are thrilled to work direct with a client in the design and production of a unique tile masterpiece that suits the specific demands of the customer or the designer.

Once outside the home, glass mosaic tile finds itself into decorative murals and light fixtures that are the focus of many upscale restaurants and boutiques. There are many examples of glass mosaic tiles being used in civic projects such as center piece fountains and street décor. Glass tiles in all their variations of color, shape, size and texture allow the imagination to run wild.

The installation of glass mosaic tile can be done by the DIY handyman or the professional; it all depends on the desired effect and the location of the installation. The tools needed to install glass mosaic tiles are common, and the required skills are more of a visual nature than hands on. Most installations are done against a design and pattern which allows for the finished installation to capture the essence of the design.

Glass mosaic tiles are a specialty of Susan Jablon and her fantastic range of tiles in glass, stainless steel, precious metal and shell are exactly what the creative designer looks for. Both home owners and professional decorators are welcome to shop at Susan Jablon.

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